Monthly archives: May 2010

Date: 2010 Technologies: WordPress, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Scriptaculous Details: Realised during my spare time, this is the Compagnie Horizons-Croisés’ official website, to promote their juggling perfomances and shows. URL:

Compagnie Horizons Croisés

Date: 2009 Technologies: Symfony Framework, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Scriptaculous and Prototype Details: Realised during my internship in IBM Stockholm, it’s a fully working online platform providing registration system and online business game management system. URL:

IBM Junior@Blue

Date: 2008-2009 Technologies: CSS, PHP5, HTML Details: New version of the Students’ Newspaper website. Cleaning a bit the code with librairies and creating a new CSS for the front. URL:

Contact V2

Date : 2008-2009 Technologies : CakePHP, Javascript, FCKEditor, HTML, CSS, graphic design conversion. Details : Website with peculiar design to adapt. A nice admin section, all developped with CakePHP framework. URL :

CFDT Metaux

Date : 2008 Technologies : PHP5, MySQL, graphic design conversion to CSS. Details : Once again, Grimoire striked back. More features, new design, a fully operational website. URL :

Grimoire 2008, Livre II

Date : 2007 Technologies : HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP5, MySQL, hosting management, design adaptation Details : Official Role Playing Game Convention Website, to advertise the event and provide registration service. Main work on backend and graphic design template. Great Admin Side to manage the event. URL :

Grimoire 2007

Date : 2006 Technologies : PHP5, xHTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, sessions, FCKeditor Details : First real pro web site Huge work on backend create a CMS and manage articles for this students’ newspaper I used to work in. URL :

CMS Contact