
About Fab

Solutions Architect, I build great workflows for the news and media production industries. I play with data too.

Just released a new wordpress theme :  Spirulina theme Designed to be a healthy, clean theme, with a green and vegetal touch. Feel free to comment or ask alink to download the theme. This website – theme, content, client database – is for sale.

Spirulina theme

Cela fait maintenant plus de deux ans que je vis et travaille à Tokyo et je reçois régulièrement des demandes de conseil pour trouver un emploi dans l’informatique au Japon. Voici donc un petit billet qui résume l’expérience que je partage. Cette note s’adresse particulièrement aux personnes qui ont des […]

Trouver un travail dans l’informatique à Tokyo

As working closely with IT systems, this is the book I wish I have read a long time ago. Written by David Kennedy, Jim O’Gorman, Devon Kearns and Mati Aharoni, all working in Security and contributing to security tools, the book describes precisely how a modern professional attack against an IT infrastructure is […]

Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide

Reverse a regex in javascript ? function reverse(s) { return s.split('').reverse().join(''); } function reverseSequence (s) { // chopper les expression conditionnelles // et construire un tableau pour les stocker var conditionals1 = s.match(/\[(.*?)\]/g); var conditionals2 = s.match(/(\[(.+)\])+\{(.*?)\}/g); var conditionals3 = s.match(/[A-Z\.]{1}\{(.*?)\}/g); var conditionals4 = s.match(/\^(.)/g); // on reverse la sequence […]

Attempt to reverse a regular expression

A little javascript class to handle geolocation in a web browser https://github.com/FabFab/GPS-in-your-browser How it works : GPS.get(); [...] var latitude = GPS.position.latitude; var longitude = GPS.position.longitude; or with a callback: GPS.get(updatePosition); function updatePosition() { var latitude = GPS.position.latitude; var longitude = GPS.position.longitude; [...] } More about Geolocation in web browsers: […]

GPS Geolocation in web browser class in Javascript

I have recently booked an airplane ticket on AirFrance.fr. Normal online booking procedure, nothing exciting as usual, but then, in the end of the process I am forced to check my identity using a code that I would receive on a mobile phone, in order to complete the transaction. This […]

Dear 3D Secure SMS security

Recently on wordpress.com for another project, I had this problem with uploading gif image : there is a f*** auto resize embed in my theme that transforms my image tag <img title="bugs" alt="bugs" src="https://blabla.files.wordpress.com/2012/bugs.gif"> in <img title="bugs" alt="bugs"  src="https://blabla.files.wordpress.com/2012/bugs.gif?w=479"> and therefore resize the gif on the fly with the ?w=479 […]

Annoying wordpress.com gif auto resize

Just finished another project in my 2012 projects marathon. It’s an online map coordinates converter and you can find it there http://www.blackspotradish.com/onlinemapcoordinatesconvertor/www/ When I was working on map coordinates in apps some years ago for a famous french company, I always wanted a tool to quickly check how wrong I was […]

Awesome Online map coordinates Converter