I participated a while ago in Smashing Magazine CSS3 Contest. The aim was to play with CSS3. So I used my non-talent to design a menu enabling actions on a content, without Javascript. I used the general sibling selector ~, pseudo class :active, and some other well know stuff, such […]
Today, some very useful links and tips while working on newsletter and webmails. You have to know that webmails such as Gmail are disabling several CSS properties inside their mails contents to ensure that the HTML code inside is not altering the webmails own design and layout. Imagine that in […]
CSS compatibility and mailboxes
Un attribut CSS dont je me sers tout le temps quand je fais des sites… le min-height (comme Bernard). Propriété ô combien magique qui permet de définir une hauteur minimale pour un bloc. Cependant, suivant les navigateurs, ça marche ou pas. Donc voici l’astuce machiavélique qui fait que ça fonctionne […]