Je ne sais pas si c’est juste moi ou la population entière, mais j’ai un problème avec l’administratif. J’ai rempli les formalités au mois de juillet 2010 pour créer ma micro entreprise. Mon but initial était de pouvoir vendre des produits achetés sur internet dans la région où je réside, […]

Galère de l’auto entreprise

I created my own company ! By the end of November, I will be available to work freelance for you, all around the world ! Hire me, get a professional web Engineer for your online projects. Get the French touch ! Don’t hesitate to contact me to tell me about your […]

I am an entrepreneur now.

How to get an object real coordinates when there is a zoom or an scroll bar on the page ? var scrOfX = 0, scrOfY = 0; if (typeof(window.pageYOffset) == 'number' ) { //Netscape compliant scrOfY = window.pageYOffset; scrOfX = window.pageXOffset; } else if (document.body && (document.body.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollTop)) { […]

Coordinates when there is an offset in the page

I participated a while ago in Smashing Magazine CSS3 Contest. The aim was to play with CSS3. So I used my non-talent to design a menu enabling actions on a content, without Javascript. I used the general sibling selector ~, pseudo class :active,  and some other well know stuff, such […]

CSS3 Smashing Magazine Contest

Pidgin Configuration for Gtchat
Because you would like to use Pidgin as Gtalk for group chat… This is how to create a conference into Pidgin with multiple persons and a Gmail account. I assume people you want to talk to have also a Gmail account. Start a new discussion. And then, it’s just configuration […]

Gmail Group Chat conference in Pidgin

I hate rewrite rules, and they hate me too. So I used a PHP file. <?php $sRadNewAdress='/wp'; if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])&&($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']!='')) { $sQstring = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $aString = explode('/', $sQstring); $sNewAdress = $sRadNewAdress."/".$aString[1]."/".$aString[2]."/".strtolower ($aString[4]); } else { $sNewAdress = $sRadNewAdress; } header('Location: '.$sNewAdress); //Redirection HTTP header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently'); header('Status: 301 Moved Permanently'); […]

Dotclear to WordPress Rewrite rule

After some weeks of designing, coding, not sleeping and running, I finally took the time this week end to switch my blog from Dotclear to WordPress. I’m sure I hate Apache Rewrite Rules now.

May WordPress be with you

Date: 2010 Technologies: WordPress, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Scriptaculous Details: Realised during my spare time, this is the Compagnie Horizons-Croisés’ official website, to promote their juggling perfomances and shows. URL:

Compagnie Horizons Croisés

Date: 2009 Technologies: Symfony Framework, PHP5, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Scriptaculous and Prototype Details: Realised during my internship in IBM Stockholm, it’s a fully working online platform providing registration system and online business game management system. URL:

IBM Junior@Blue

Date: 2008-2009 Technologies: CSS, PHP5, HTML Details: New version of the Students’ Newspaper website. Cleaning a bit the code with librairies and creating a new CSS for the front. URL:

Contact V2

Date: 2008-2009 Technologies: Javascript and CSS. Details: Consulting on website design and UI for a BEST, a students’ association, while I was studying in Stockholm. URL:

BEST Students Stockholm