Date : 2008-2009 Technologies : CakePHP, Javascript, FCKEditor, HTML, CSS, graphic design conversion. Details : Website with peculiar design to adapt. A nice admin section, all developped with CakePHP framework. URL :

CFDT Metaux

Date : 2008 Technologies : PHP5, MySQL, graphic design conversion to CSS. Details : Once again, Grimoire striked back. More features, new design, a fully operational website. URL :

Grimoire 2008, Livre II

Date : 2007 Technologies : HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP5, MySQL, hosting management, design adaptation Details : Official Role Playing Game Convention Website, to advertise the event and provide registration service. Main work on backend and graphic design template. Great Admin Side to manage the event. URL :

Grimoire 2007

Date : 2007 Technologies : HTML, design graphic work , CSS Details : Official School Gala party website to advertise the event. Main work on design and pictures. Website lost on the Internet.

Site Officiel Gala INSA 2007

Date : 2006 Technologies : PHP5, xHTML, CSS, Javascript, MySQL, sessions, FCKeditor Details : First real pro web site Huge work on backend create a CMS and manage articles for this students’ newspaper I used to work in. URL :

CMS Contact

Technologies : HTML, CSS, PHP4, News Evolution, MySQL Details : First (and ugly) Web Site ! Lot of work to learn the basics, web development is not for noobs. URL :

Club Jonglerie de l’INSA de Toulouse

The project I have been working on since September has been presented on Friday, 9th April 2010 ! On Champs Élysées Avenue in front of 30 journalists, Paris deputy Mayor M. Missika, M. JC Decaux (director of second largest outdoor advertising company in the world) and  Madame D. Ernotte, Orange […]

Publiphonie Orange

Yes, it exists. Its name is Firebug lite : ô Joie. It’s implemented in Javascript so it works with every browser, and it’s easily book-markable. If you need other Internet Explorer tools for web development : * myDebugBar and Companion.js are a buggy version of Firebug * IEtester […]

Firebug for IE and others

It seems that the last Internet Explorer 7 release (7.0.5730.13) has introduced a new bug while displaying a fullscreen web page : A white space appears at the bottom ! The problem comes from Windows taskbar, which somehow succeeds to interact with IE layout rendering system. The solution found to […]

IE7 bottom white bar

Today, some very useful links and tips while working on newsletter and webmails. You have to know that webmails such as Gmail are disabling several CSS properties inside their mails contents to ensure that the HTML code inside is not altering the webmails own design and layout. Imagine that in […]

CSS compatibility and mailboxes

Recently I had some problems with my Google profile picture disappearing from Wave, Gtalk and everything… I reseted it few times, but it didn’t work. The problem was coming from Pidgin, which was overriding it each time I used it… So, to fix this, if you are using pidgin, or […]

Google profile picture disappearing